Inglês, perguntado por Mikeuly120, 8 meses atrás

1) complete as frases utilizado o artigo a ou an:

a)She has_____white dog .

b) He wants____ piece of that cake.

c)I love to eat_____apple every morning .

d)She has_____interesting idea.

e) My dad got____new job.

f)Sarah wants to be____ dancer .

g)I will take_____taxi .

h) Maria is_____good girl.

E uma explicação!! ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por u40874491


She has a white dog

He wants a piece of that cake

I love to eat an apple every morning

she has an interesting idea

my dad got a new job

Sarah wants to be a dancer

I will take a taxi

Maria is a good girl


Se usa o AN quando a palavra seguinte começa com uma vogal

u40874491: nada :)
u40874491: kksks
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