Inglês, perguntado por enrid2345678, 9 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases usando os verbos irregulares no passado simples. Pesquise a tabela.
a) Greg ______________________ early yesterday. (sleep)
b) The dog ___________________ quickly last morning. (swim)
c) The sun ______________________ last Sunday. (shine)
d) My mother____________________ a cake yesterday. (make)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple past   >>>  Irregular verbs

a) Greg slept early yesterday. (sleep)

b) The dog swam quickly last morning. (swim)

c) The sun shone last Sunday. (shine)

d) My mother  made a cake yesterday. (make)

⇒⇒ Simple past - Irregular verbs / Verbos irregulares >> são verbos que não terminam em ''ed'' no passado. Cada verbo irregular tem sua forma própria de fazer o passado, ou seja, não seguem nenhuma regra e, por isso, é necessário decorá-los.


I went to school by bus. >> Eu fui à escola de ônibus.  

They had a shower last night. >> Eles tomaram banho ontem à noite.

Alguns verbos irregulares

to be ⇔ was / were

can ⇔ could

to buy ⇔ bought

to teach ⇔ taught

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