Inglês, perguntado por anaclara5320, 10 meses atrás

1. complete as frases usando o comparativo de superioridade ou superlativo

a) I'm sure that this method is ______ that on. (good)

b) Janet is _________ girl in this room. (talkative)

c) your mather isn't _______ mine. (fat)

d) The students are ________ here _________ There. (quiet)

e) It's __________ film I've ever seen. (bad)

f) Can you give me ______ information abaut It? (for)

g) Is Sue _______ Martha ? (Pretty)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por julialuersen10
a) better
b) is the most talkative
Respondido por JuBudoya
I’m sure that this method is better that on.
Janet is the most talkative girl in this room.
Your mother isn’t fatter than mine.
The students are quieter here than there.
It’s the worst film I’ve ever seen.
Can you give me more information about it?
Is Sue prettier than Martha?
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