Inglês, perguntado por pegandorespostas01, 5 meses atrás

1 - Complete as frases usando corretamento o USED TO.
a) The magician _____________ good tricks at the circus when he worked there. (do)
b) Romans _____________ the lira. They were quite good. (play)
c) Lorena _____________ but she drives a car now. (not/ drive)
d) The cook _____________ delicious soups five years ago. (prepare)
e) Josephine _____________ at a travel agency in Paris. (work)
f) I _____________my clothes. ( not/iron)
g) I _____________taxes when I was fifteen. (not / pay)
h) I _____________to the beach in the summer. ( go)
i) I _____________dinner for the whole family. ( not / cook)

Soluções para a tarefa

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a) used to do

b) used to play

c) used to prepare

e) used to work

f) i didn't use to iron

g) i didn't use to pay

h) i used to go

i) i didn't use to cook

pegandorespostas01: Valeu
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