Inglês, perguntado por KiraziN7, 3 meses atrás

1.Complete as frases corretamente com o verbo To Be no passado.
a)They___sleeping last night.
b)I___working yesterday.
c)He___playing football.
d)You___ratinho a delicious food.
f)We___travelling last week.
g)She___washing her clothes last Friday.
h)You___cleaning the house.

Passe as frases para as formas INTERROGATIVAS E NEGATIVA.
1. You were very upset yesterday.
2.They were resting last saturday night.
3. The dog was jumping very high.
4. I was sleeping all day long.
5. She was dancing very well.
6. He was eating a delicious cake.
7. We were travelling last month.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marta3946
a) They were sleeping last night
b) I was working yesterday.
c) He was playing football
d) You were ratinho a delicious food
e) It was jumping
f) We were traveling last week
g) She was washing her clothes last Friday
h) You were cleaning the house

1- int: Were you very upset yesterday?
Neg: you were not very upset yesterday

2- int: were they resting last Saturday night?
Neg: they were not resting last Saturday

3- int: was the dog jumping very high?
Neg: the dog was not jumping very high

4- int: was I sleeping all day long?
Neg: I wasn’t sleeping all day long

5- int: was she dancing very well?
Neg: she was not dancing very well

6- int: was he eating a delicious cake?
Neg: he was not eating a delicious cake

7- int: were we traveling last month?
Neg: we were not traveling last month

Espero ter ajudado :)

KiraziN7: Ajudou muito, obg
marta3946: Por nada :)
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