Inglês, perguntado por mirelafabizackschlic, 7 meses atrás

1- Complete as frases com WILL + um dos verbos abaixo. (Traduza as frases para ver qual o verbo melhor se encaixa na frase). Siga o exemplo da letra A. BE LOOK GET COME MEET TO LIKE a) Don’t go out in the hot Sun. You will get burnt. Não saia ao sol quente. Você vai se queimar. b) Sorry for what I did. I ______________________ it again. ________________________________________________________________________________ c) Bye. I except we ______________________ again soon. ________________________________________________________________________________ d) I Wonder how she ____________________ after twenty years. ________________________________________________________________________________ e) I’ve invited them, but I don’t think they ____________________. ________________________________________________________________________________ f) Why don’t you eat this? I’m sure you ________________________ it. ________________________________________________________________________________ g) I’ve spent all the Money again. Father _____________________ furious. ________________________________________________________________________________ h) Hurry up or we _______________________ late. ________________________________________________________________________________ i) Please wait a moment. I ________________________ if I can help you. ________________________________________________________________________________ j) I think you must buy that shirt. It ______________________ nice on you. ________________________________________________________________________________

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Respondido por Santoscamargoingrid


me ajuda no meu q te ajudo

Santoscamargoingrid: a minha e de ingles tbm vou te ajudar
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