Inglês, perguntado por iagod139, 10 meses atrás

1- Complete as frases com "was/were" e traduza-as

a) They ____ fram the USA
b) I ____ not bad
c) You ____ married
d) Jane ____ helping her mother
e) He ____ the most important person at that team
f) I ____ an vocation
g) She ____ here
h) We ____ best friends
i) They ____ beautiful when children
j) The birds ____ hungry

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lizpurple

a) They were from the USA. Eles eram dos Estados Unidos. b) I was not bad. Eu não era mau. c) You were married. Você era casado. d) Jane was helping her mother. Jane estava ajudando sua mãe. e) He was the most important person at that team. Ele era a pessoa mais importante naquele time. f) I was at vacation. Eu estava de férias. g) She was here. Ela estava aqui. h) We were best friends. Nós éramos melhores amigos. i) They were beautiful when children Elas eram bonitas quando crianças. j) The birds were hungry. Os pássaros estavam com fome.

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