Inglês, perguntado por CURITIBA6, 3 meses atrás

1- Complete as frases com There is ou There are, nas formas afirmativa, negativa
e interrogativa.
a) _____________________ four oranges on the table.
b) ______________________a red apple in the bowl.
c)_______________________many fruits in the fridge.(not)
d) ______________________ a watermelon in the basket.(not)
e) ______________________ tomatoes and potatoes in this pack?
f) ______________________ oranges, figs, lemons, and cherries inthe box.
g) _____________________ a peach on the table?
h) _____________________ one avocado in this bowl?
i) ______________________ a fruit bowl on the table.(not)
j) ______________________ marvellous fruits in this supermarket.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

a) There are four oranges on the table.

b) There is a red apple in the bowl.

c) There are not many fruits in the fridge.(not)

d) There is not a watermelon in the basket.(not)

e) Are there tomatoes and potatoes in this pack?

f) There are oranges, figs, lemons, and cherries inthe box.

g) Is there a peach on the table?

h) Is there one avocado in this bowl?

i) There is not a fruit bowl on the table.(not)

j) There are marvellous fruits in this supermarket.

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