Inglês, perguntado por vivianesouza1239, 11 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases com THERE IS ou THERE ARE:
foxes running across the fields.
a child crying behind the door.
buses stopped in front of my school.
a man using a black hat here.
a dog and a cat drinking beer together
dreams into on my mind.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por hdst2006


There are foxes running across the fields. (elas)

There is a child crying behind the door.(ela)

There are buses stopped in front of my school.(eles)

There is a man using a black hat here.(ele)

There is a dog and a cat drinking beer together. (ele)

There are dreams into on my mind. (eles)


There is é para singular e there are é para plural.

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