Inglês, perguntado por ingridkethelli0207, 9 meses atrás

1- Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no Passado Simples.

a) I___the questiona correctly.(answer)
b) The teacher ______ the teste.(correct)
c) my friends______a good film yesterday.(watch)
d)Jessica ____at the club on saturday night(dance)
e)They _____for the teste last thursday.(study)

2- marque a resposta correta.
a) I ___whit my family to the beach.
() travels () travelied () traveling () traveled

b) It ___a lot last night.
() rain () rainied () rains () rained

c) Johnny ____last Sunday.
() worked () work () works () workied

d) Katherine and Leo____at home on saturday night.
() stays () Stayed () staied () staies

e) Sarah _____her bedroom yesterday.
() cleaned () cleans () cleaning () cleanied

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dMateusLuciano


a) I answered the question correctly

b) The teacher corrected the test

c) My friends watched a good film yesterday

d) Jessica danced at the club on Saturtay night

e) They studied for the test last Thursday


a) I traveled with my family to the beach

b) It rained a lot last night

c) Jhonny worked last Sunday

d) Katherine and Leo stayed at home on Saturday night

e) Sarah cleaned her bedroom yesterday

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