Inglês, perguntado por camillygomes16, 5 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases com os verbos
           a forma correta:

      a)They ___ the TV on. (turn)

      b) I ___ my bike. (fix)

      c) We ___ the email. (check)

      d) He ___ television. (watch)

      e) You ___^ last weekend. (work)

me ajudem please!!!♡​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dominun


a)They turned the TV on. (turn)

     b) I fixed/am fixing my bike. (fix)

     c) We are checking the email. (check)

     d) He is watching television. (watch)

     e) You worked^ last weekend. (work)


camillygomes16: eu esqueci de avisar mais ele precisa conter ED no final de cada palavra em parentes
dominun: ta bom
dominun: turned, fixed, checked, watched, worked
camillygomes16: obg♡
Respondido por edwigeslovegood

they turned the tv on

i fixed my bike

we checked the email

he watched television

you worked last weekend

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