Inglês, perguntado por anyboa165, 4 meses atrás

1-Complete as frases com os Pronomes Sujeito (Subject Pronouns): I, you, he, she, it, we ou they.

a) The girl is eight. _____ isn’t seven.

b) _____ it morning?

c) You are cool! _____ are great!

d) I am not ten. _____ am eleven.

e) Al and Joe are Irish. _____ aren’t British.

f) The girl is six. _____ isn’t seven.

g) Elena and I are ten. _____ aren’t nine.

h) He isn’t Colombian. _____ is Brazilian.

i) The man isn’t Spanish. _____ is Italian.

j) Eli and Pat are Canadian. _____ aren’t American.

2-Complete os espaços com: WHERE (onde), HOW (como/qual), WHAT (o que/qual).

a. ______________ are you from? b. ______________ does Sara live?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por misantoliv


1-Complete as frases com os Pronomes Sujeito (Subject Pronouns): I, you, he, she, it, we ou they.

a) The girl is eight. ___she__ isn’t seven.

b) __is___ it morning?

c) You are cool! ___you_ are great!

d) I am not ten. __I___ am eleven.

e) Al and Joe are Irish. ___they__ aren’t British.

f) The girl is six. __she___ isn’t seven.

g) Elena and I are ten. __we___ aren’t nine.

h) He isn’t Colombian. _he____ is Brazilian.

i) The man isn’t Spanish. __he___ is Italian.

j) Eli and Pat are Canadian. ___they__ aren’t American.

2-Complete os espaços com: WHERE (onde), HOW (como/qual), WHAT (o que/qual).

a. ________where______ are you from? b. __________where____ does Sara live?

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