Inglês, perguntado por marciabalbino66, 11 meses atrás

1- complete as frases com object pronouns:
1) My mother took_(my brother) to the hospital
2) I bought this chocolate for_
(my grandmother).
3) She is as tired as _(you).
4) Everybody went home early except _ (José and Juliana).
5) My father is working on_(a new project).
6) He gave
(the book) to _(1).
Birorist also inc​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MarcoAGJ



1) My mother took HIM to the hospital

2) I bought this chocolate for HER

3) She is as tired as YOU.

4) Everybody went home early except THEM.

5) My father is working on IT.

6) He gave IT to HIM.

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