Inglês, perguntado por blindao0708, 8 meses atrás

1. Complete as frases com o SIMPLE PRESENT (POSITIVE ou NEGATIVE) usando dos verbos entre parênteses.

I don’t go (go) near the hives.

A. She............... (not eat) a loto f meat at home.
B. My parents .................. (speak) French.
C. I.........................(not know) his phone number.
D. My brother’s friends....................(not come round) at the weekend.
E. Claire......................(not like) swimming or dancing.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nandanobrea


A. doesn't eat

B. speak

C. don't know

D. don't come round

E. doesn't like

Respondido por Usuario46

A) She doesn't eat

B) My parents don't speak

C) I don't know

D) My brother's friends don't come round

E) Claire doesn't like

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