Inglês, perguntado por laura201729780470392, 9 meses atrás

1. Complete as frases com o SIMPLE PRESENT dos verbos entre parênteses:
OBS: Lembre-se de retirar o TO do infinitivo e observar se o sujeito está na 3ª pessoa do singular e também nas regras especiais.
Andrew_________in Sao Paulo, Brazil. ( to live ) *
1 ponto

Esta pergunta é obrigatória
Jennifer and I __________ up early on Saturdays. ( to get ) *
1 ponto
We ______________ in good luck and bad luck. ( to believe ) *
1 ponto
I _________a blue dress every Sunday. ( to wear ) *
1 ponto
He__________ soccer every Saturday with friends. ( to play ) *
1 ponto
Julio __________ his father at work. ( to help ) *
1 ponto
They______________ in the office at around 8:30. (to arrive) *
1 ponto
Lisa ___________English at School ( to study ) *
1 ponto
His kid _____________ TV all day long! (to watch) *
1 ponto
My brother ___________ his homework in the morning. (to do) *

He _________ to stay here. (to have) *

Carol _____________ to the gym every single day. (to go) *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MiaTheNerd


1) lives

2) get

3) believe

4) wear

5) plays

6) helps

7) arrive

8) studies

9) watches

10) does

11) has

12) goes

Espero ter ajudado,

Bons estudos!

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