Inglês, perguntado por KamilaAlvess, 1 mês atrás

1) Complete as frases com o Present Perfect ou Simple Past dos verbos entre parênteses: present har
a) My friend is a writer. He has written many books. (write)
b) She_id Paraná lastsummer. (visit)
c) My friend film Saturday afternoon. (see)
d) Kathy travels a lot. She_ many countries. (visit)
e) The weather_ very good yesterday. (not be)
f) I live in New York now, but I in Mexico for many years. (live)
g) I yesterday afternoon. (play) - to that tennis​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92


b she visited

c saw

d has visited

e wasn't

f lived

g played


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