Inglês, perguntado por joaoantonio311pcr5b3, 6 meses atrás

1- Complete as frases com o Present Continuous Tense usando o verbo entre parênteses:
a) Mary _________ now (read)
b) We _________ French (speak)
c) They __________ soccer (play)

2- Passe as frases para a forma negativa do Present Continuous Tense:
a) I am drinking coffee now.
negative: ____________

c) They are walking in the park.
negative: _____________

3- Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa:
a) He is reading a book.
Interrogativa: ______________

b) Her parents are visiting her friends.
Interrogativa: ______________

4- Complete as frases com os Pronomes Interrogativos WHO, WHERE, HOW
a) _______ are they going?
b) _______ is that man?
c) _______ is your mother?

5- Complete as frases com WHEN, WHOSE, WHY:
a) ______ cars are those?
b) ______ is your birthday?
c) ______ is she here now?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por liviakamilli


1a) is reading

b) are speaking

c) are playing

2 I am not drinking coffee now

b) They aren't walking in the park

3 a) Is he reading a book?

b) Are her parents visiting her friends?

4a) where

b) who

c) how

5 a) whose

b) when

c) why

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