Inglês, perguntado por isabelaeduardalm03, 6 meses atrás

1 - Complete as frases com o passado do verbo To be ( WAS / WERE ):

a) Emily ______ here yesterday.

b) Lauren ______ in class last week.

c) They ______ the best singers.

d) We ______ there 2 years ago.

e) The cars ______ here 2 hours ago.

f) Ted ______ happy last weekend.

g) The rabbit ______ very fast .

h) It ______ nine o’clock.

i) The cats ______ hungry yesterday.

2 - Passe as frases para as formas negativa e interrogativa:

a) Jack was hungry .

Negativa = ________________________________________

Interrogativa = _____________________________________

b) The children were in the garage.

Negativa = ________________________________________

Interrogativa = _____________________________________

c) I was 15 years old.

Negativa = ________________________________________

Interrogativa = _____________________________________

d) I was sure, we were late.

Negativa = _______________________________________

Interrogativa = _____________________________________

3 - De acordo com o passado do verbo to be, escreva (T) true ou (F) false:

( ) As palavras usadas para fazer o passado do verbo to be em inglês são:

“Was” e “were”.

( ) O significado do verbo to be no passado é: “ tinha”

( ) Usamos “Was” na primeira e terceira pessoas do singular.

( ) Usamos “Were” apenas no plura​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luunicorniakawaii



a) Was

b) Was

c) were

d) were

e) Were (eu acho)

f) Was

g) Was

h) Was

i) were (eu acho)


a) Jack wasn't hungry

Was Jack hungry?

b) The children weren't in the garage

Were the children in the garage?

c) I wasn't 15 years old

Was I 15 years old?

d) I wasn't sure, we weren't late (eu acho)

I Was sure, were we late? (eu acho)

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