Inglês, perguntado por Ajuda242424, 7 meses atrás

1- Complete as frases com o comparativo de superioridade.

a- Health is __________________ wealth. ( important )
Health is more important than wealth.

b- Magazines are _________________ books. ( attractive )

c- This method is _________________ that one. ( practical )

d- Peaches are __________________ bananas. ( expensive )

e- Soccer is _________________ golf. ( interesting)

f- Rio is _________________ São Paulo. ( beautiful )

2- Complete as frases usando o comparativo de superioridade. Há casos de er, more e formas irregulares.

a- English is _________ German. ( easy )
English is easier than German.

b- Orange juice is ____________ lemonade, I think. ( good )

c- Computers are ____________ typewriters.( modern )

d- That table is ___________ this one. ( long )

e- You are ___________ me. ( young )

f- This place is _________ that one. ( bad )

Alguém me ajuda com essas questões por favor

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por imadarknessds

Resposta:1- Complete as frases com o comparativo de superioridade.

a- Health is __more important than__wealth. ( important )

Health is more important than wealth.

b- Magazines are ___most attractive_books. ( attractive )

c- This method is _more practical than_ that one. ( practical )

d- Peaches are ___more expensive than_ bananas. ( expensive )

e- Soccer is __more interesting than___ golf. ( interesting)

f- Rio is __more beautiful than__ São Paulo. ( beautiful )

2- Complete as frases usando o comparativo de superioridade. Há casos de er, more e formas irregulares.

a- English is _easier than___ German. ( easy )

English is easier than German.

b- Orange juice is __better than__ lemonade, I think. ( good )

c- Computers are _more modern than__ typewriters.( modern )

d- That table is _longer than___ this one. ( long )

e- You are _younger than__ me. ( young )

f- This place is _worse than_ that one. ( bad )


Respondido por mashadragaozinho

1- Complete as frases com o comparativo de superioridade.

a- Health is __________________ wealth. (important)

Health is more important than wealth.

b- Magazines are _________________ books. (attractive)

Magazines are more attractive than books.

c- This method is _________________ that one. (practical)

This method is more practical than that one.

d- Peaches are __________________ bananas. (expensive)

Peaches are more expensive than bananas.

e- Soccer is _________________ golf. (interesting)

Soccer is more interesting than golf.

f- Rio is _________________ São Paulo. (beautiful)

Rio is more beautiful than São Paulo.

2- Complete as frases usando o comparativo de superioridade. Há casos de er, more e formas irregulares.

a- English is _________ German. (easy)

English is easier than German.

b- Orange juice is ____________ lemonade, I think. (good)

Orange juice is better than lemonade, I think.

Há uma construção especial para o “good”, que é o “better”.

c- Computers are ____________ typewriters. (modern)

Computers are more modern than typewriters.

d- That table is ___________ this one. (long)

That table is longer than this one.

e- You are ___________ me. (young)

You are younger than me.

f- This place is _________ that one. (bad)

This place is worse than that one.

Há uma construção especial para o “bad”, que é o “worse”.

Espero ter ajudado! Peço perdão caso tenha algum erro. Bons estudos!

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