Inglês, perguntado por isamontewxs, 4 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases com can/can't, could/couldn't ou uma locucão verbal equivalente. Em alguns casos, vc tera mais de uma opção. Em outros, o uso de uma locuçao sera obrigatorio.

a) I can't stand onental music. i've never _______________ enjoy it.
b) Paul _________________ drive but he doesn't have a car.
c) __________________ (you) understand what the german tourists were saying?
d) I used to _______________ walk on my hands when i was a boy.

2) Complete as frases com could. couldn't ou be abie to:

a) Charles hurt his foot, so he _____________ play football.
b) Even though it was dark, l _____________ see that the room was beautifully decorated.
c) Jonh didn't want to come but in the end we _______________ persuade him to come.
b) My uncie was a gifted musician; he ______________ play several instruments.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nerdnerd3
1-A: Could
B: Can
C: Could you ou Can you
D: Could

2-A: Can't
B: Could
C: Could
D: Could

Espero ter ajudado, desculpe se errei algo.
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