Inglês, perguntado por ellen283131, 2 meses atrás

1- Complete as frases com a forma correta do verbo TO BE no Simple Present: a) The weather i nice today. b) This bag i heavy. c) These bags d) Look! There صد heavy. Carol.

2- Reescreva as frases da questão 1 nas formas interrogativa e negativa: a) The weathen 12ml nis b) This bag usay heavy day​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por edinaldo12345


a) the weather is nice today

b) i am/i’m not rich

c) this bag is heavy

d) these bags are heavy

e) my brother and I are good tennis players


a) is

b) am

c) is

d) are

e) are

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