Inglês, perguntado por analima349, 10 meses atrás


1) Complete as frases com a forma adequada do verb to be: is, are, am.

a) They ______ in the same class.

b) He ______ very happy.

c) I _____ studying English.

d) She ______ watching class.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mintjx

a) They are in the same class.  

b) He is very happy.  

c) I am studying English.  

d) She is watching class.

Caso for na forma passada do verbo:

a) They were in the same class.  

b) He was very happy.  

c) I was studying English.  

d) She was watching class.

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos!

Respondido por dudalonghi18


a) They are in the same class.

b) He is very happy.

c) I am studying English.

d) She is watching class.


Are - you, we ,they.

Is - he, she , it.

Am - I.

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