Inglês, perguntado por Puppetgames, 4 meses atrás

1.- Complete as frases abaixo usando os verbos em parênteses no Present Simple.
a) The girl________(STUDY) every day.
b) John__________ (SLEEP) a lot.
c) My students__________ (PLAY) soccer.
d) The teachers _______(READ) books every class.
e) It ________(DRINK) milk and water.
f) I and my friends__________ (TALK) at school.
g) I________(LIVE) near the lake.
h) Ana Clara________ (GO) to school by bus.
i) The sun__________(SHINE) a lot.
j) John_____________ (WATCH) TV at night.

Preciso dessa​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por hestiaworship


a) The girl studies every day.

b) John sleeps a lot.

c) My students play soccer.

d) The teachers read books every class.

e) It drinks milk and water.

f) My friends and I talk at school.

g) I live near the lake.

h) Ana Clara goes to school by bus.

i) The sun shines a lot.


He/she/it terminam com 's' (eats, sleeps, studies) e quando o pronome está no plural ou quando se trata de mais de uma pessoa, o verbo fica no imperativo.

Respondido por NatWolf11


a) Studying

b) Sleeping

c) Playing

d) Reading

e) Drinking

f) Talking

g) Living

h) Going

i) Shining

j) Watching


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