Inglês, perguntado por zkillua620, 8 meses atrás

1 – Complete as frases abaixo usando a forma correta dos verbos entre parênteses:
a) Lucy__________________a shopping bag every week. ( carry )
b) Ruan and William________________in Juiz de Fora. ( live )
c) Peter_____________________to the movies on Saturdays.( go )
d) Camila and I___________________studying English.( love )
e) Thamires___________________from Juiz de Fora.( come )
f) I________________________my homework in the afternoon. ( do )
g) Gustavo_______________________horror films. (watch )
h) They___________________________English.( study )
i) Susy ____________________her family. ( miss)
j) Josiane_____________________milk. ( drink)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por YuriDelRey


a) carries.

b) live.

c) goes.

d) love.

e) comes.

f) do.

g) watches.

h) study.

i) misses.

j) drinks.


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