Inglês, perguntado por akyllamaria16, 4 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos dos parênteses no “Simple Past”.
a) He __________ in this city last year. (to live)
b) This book __________ to your father. (to belong)
c) Sally __________ a pie last week. (to make) d) Sam __________ his arm yesterday. (to break)
e) Robert __________ a car two years ago. (to have)
f) We __________ the party yesterday night. (to enjoy)
2) Transforme as frases acima (a, b, c) para a interrogativa e (d, e, f) para a negativa. a) ______________________________________________________ ? b) ______________________________________________________ ? c) ______________________________________________________ ? d) ______________________________________________________ . e) ______________________________________________________ . f) ______________________________________________________ .​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por blandsf555


A- Lived

B- Belonged

C- Made

D- Broke

E- Had

F- Enjoyed


A- Did he lived in this city last year?

B- Does this book belongs to your father?

C- Did Sally made a pie last week?

D- Sam didn't broke his arm yesterday

E- Robert didn't had a car two years ago

F- We didn't enjoyed the pary yesterday


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