Inglês, perguntado por futebolbraileiro, 10 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases abaixo com o verbo to Brazil no passado

A) I________ in Rio in februarg
B) Marg__________my firsti friend.
C) The cat_________sick last week
D) We___________at joh'ns house, last week kend.
E) They___________on vacation last tear.
F) You_________a good student last year.
G) Jackand biel__________very good friends.
H) jack____________at School last year.
I) She__________happy wuth The New frete.

2) Qual a forma negativa de:

A) James and j were in New York last month
B) The borda were hungry

3) Qual a forma interrogativa de:

A) She Washington my girefriend.
B) YouTube were late yesterday

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por leonardss2018pe8udz
1.a. I WAS in Rio in February.
b. Marg WAS my first friend.
c. The cat WAS sick last week.
d. We WEREN'T at John's house last weekend.
e. They WERE on vacation last year.
f. You WERE a good student last year.
g. Jack and Biel WERE very good friends.
h. Jack WAS at school last year.
i. She WAS happy with The New Year.

2. a. Jack and I weren't in New York last month.
b. The borda weren't hungry.

3. a. Was she my girlfriend?
b. Were YouTube late yesterday?
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