Inglês, perguntado por williamfilho27, 7 meses atrás

1) Complete as frases abaixo com o Simple Past dos verbos entre parênteses. (2,0) a) Susan _____ the task without complaining. (to complete) b) I _____ dark secrets about my family. (to discover) c) Mama _____ you leaving in the middle of the night. (to see) d) Lucy _____ the situation very well. (to handle) e) James _____ to mention you were coming. (to forget) f) He _____ asleep during the movie. (to fall) g) They _____ me they are arriving in two hours. (to tell) h) I _____ here. (to be)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bigateh

a) completed

b) discovere

c) saw

d) handled

e) forgot

f) fell

g) told

h) was

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