Inglês, perguntado por santosjoanaevelyn, 8 meses atrás

1)Complete as frases abaixo com o Simple Past do verbo TO BE: a) My brother_____________at school. b) She________________a singer. c) You and David______________friends. d) I______________an actress. e) You_____________in Rio de janeiro last year. 2) Complete as frases abaixo com o Simple Past dos verbos do parênteses: a) Mary _____________________in Salvador last month. ( TO LIVE) b) The baby_____________________all night long. (TO CRY) c) My mother_____________________a car yesterday. (TO BUY) d) He _________________the truth last week. (TO TELL) e) They ____________________from Salvador last night. ( ARRIVE) 3) Reescreva as frases, substituindo os objetos, grifados, pelo seus respectivos Object Pronouns: a) Anthony loves Susan.. b) Mary knows David. c) They like John and Jane. d) You love me and Mary. e) We know you and Michael. 4) Preencha os espaços com as preposições ON, IN ou AT: a) I arrived ________9 o’clock. b) I am not at home ______ the afternoon. c) My mother was born ______ 1932. d) The course begins ______ January 7th. e) I live________Aracaju​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por oiimelo


1) Complete as frases abaixo com o Simple Past do verbo TO BE:

a) My brother WAS at school.

b) She WAS a singer.

c) You and David WERE friends.

d) I WAS an actress.

e) You WERE in Rio de Janeiro last year.

2) Complete as frases abaixo com o Simple Past dos verbos do parênteses:

a) Mary LIVED in Salvador last month. ( TO LIVE)

b) The baby CRIED all night long. (TO CRY)

c) My mother BOUGHT a car yesterday. (TO BUY)

d) He TOLD the truth last week. (TO TELL)

e) They ARRIVED from Salvador last night. ( ARRIVE)

3) Reescreva as frases, substituindo os objetos, grifados, pelo seus respectivos Object Pronouns:

a) Anthony loves Susan. -> Anthony loves HER

b) Mary knows David. -> Mary knows HIM

c) They like John and Jane. -> They like THEM

d) You love me and Mary. -> You love US

e) We know you and Michael. -> We know YOU

4) Preencha os espaços com as preposições ON, IN ou AT:

a) I arrived AT 9 o’clock.

b) I am not at home IN the afternoon.

c) My mother was born IN 1932.

d) The course begins ON January 7th.

e) I live IN Aracaju​

Espero ter ajudado!!! <3

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