Inglês, perguntado por marcossouzap267, 1 ano atrás

1 - Complete ao espaços como o modelo: We_______in Brazil. The Queen______in England. (to live) We live in Brazil. The Queen lives in England. a – You__________ Portuguese. Pavarotti__________ (to speak) b – I __________lessons. The teache__________, tôo.(to give) c – We__________ every Day. She only on Sundays. (to work) d – They_________letters. Chico Buarque________songs and books. (to write) e – You_________ to school. Mr. Smith__________ to his office. (to walk) f – They _________ animal. My friend __________ time. (to kill)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nathzinhaaaa


1 - a) speak / speaks

b) give / gives

c) work / works

d) write / writes

e) walk / walks

f) kill / kills

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