Inglês, perguntado por riqueaugustommp7pdqi, 8 meses atrás

1) Completar as frases utilizando o verbo correto que deve ser conjugado. ( TO SPREAD, TO FOLLOW, TO NEED , TO WORK, TO SNEEZE, TO AVOID, TO WASH, TO FORGET )
- Stop........... on me !
- You should........... your hands before eating.
- Why are you.................. Me?
- Don't ......... me, i am not soap opera.
- She does not........... to worry about me.
- I would................ it. Thank you for remembering me.
- They are.................. the corona Virus everywhere.
- I want................ but i can't work .​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Wqueijorato


a) Stop to sneeze on me!

b) You should wash your hands before eating.

c) Why are you following me?

d) Don't avoid me, I am not soap opera.

e) She does not need to worry about me.

f) I would forget it. Thank you for remembering me.

g) They are avoiding the Corona Virus everywhere.

h) I want to work, but I can't.


CremildaBR: D. NÃO ME SIGA, NÃO SOU NOVELA >>> Don't follow me....
CremildaBR: g. THEY ARE SPREADING ... (espalhando)
Respondido por CremildaBR


- Stop SNEEZING on me !

- You should WASH your hands before eating.

- Why are you AVOIDING Me?

- Don't FOLLOW me, I am not A soap opera.

- She does not NEED to worry about me.

- I would FORGET it. Thank you for remembering me.

- They are SPREADING the corona Virus everywhere.

- I want TO WORK but I can't work .​


hozanafidelis100: obrigadaaa❤️
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