Inglês, perguntado por Perguntar3Responder2, 8 meses atrás

1) Como ficaria a forma correta da frase: “He keeps you here as his lover” usando o Simple Future na afirmava? a) He will keep you here as his lover

b) He will keeps you here as his lover

c)He will not keep you here as he lover

d) He will keeps your here as his lover

2) Transforme as frases abaixo para a forma Interrogava e Afirmava do futuro simples

a) I will not travel to Assu with Jesse. _______________________________ (Interrogava) _______________________________ ( Afirmava)

b) Daniela will not leave near Fernanda. _________________________________ (Interrogava) _______________________________ ( Afirmava)

3) Marque com um X a alternava que melhor completa as frases abaixo Give me _________ coffee. There aren’t_______ good beaches here. I brought you_______ flowers. Do you have________ good ideas.

a) some, any, some, any.

b) any, any, some, any.

c) some, any, any, any.

d) some, some, some, any.

4) Assinale a alternava que completa a frase abaixo: “Do you have 10 dollars?” “No, I don’t, but Peter has _____ money with him”

a) much

b) many

5) : “He has _______ friends and ______money.

a) much / many

b) much/ much

c) many/ much

6) Complete assinalando a alternava correta que completa as frases abaixo: “She drinks _______ coffee” “How ______ cups of coffee do you drink every day ?” “He says there was ______ milk in the pot. It was almost empty” “There are ________ bo4les on that shelf” “How _______ money do you have?” .

a) much – many – much – many – much

b) much – much – much – much – many

7) We want ___________potatoes but we don´t need _______ salt.

a) any – some

b) some – some

c) some – any

8) They can take ______job they want.

a) any

b) some

9) Assinale a altertinava INCORRETA:

a) There are some eggs in the picture.

b) There aren´t some bread in the picture.

c) There isn’t any milk in the picture.

d) There are some forks and there isn´t any knife in this table.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por postallaura20

1) Como ficaria a forma correta da frase: “He keeps you here as his lover” usando o Simple Future na afirmava?

a) He will keep you here as his lover

b) He will keeps you here as his lover

c) He will not keep you here as he lover

d) He will keeps your here as his lover

2) Transforme as frases abaixo para a forma Interrogava e Afirmava do futuro simples:

a) I will not travel to Assu with Jesse.

Will I travel to Assu with Jesse? (Interrogava)

I will travel to Assu with Jesse. ( Afirmava)

b) Daniela will not leave near Fernanda.

Will Daniela leave near Fernanda? (Interrogava)

Daniela will leave near Fernanda. ( Afirmava)

3) Marque com um X a alternava que melhor completa as frases abaixo

Give me _________ coffee. There aren’t_______ good beaches here. I brought you_______ flowers. Do you have________ good ideas?

a) some, any, some, any.

b) any, any, some, any.

c) some, any, any, any.

d) some, some, some, any.

4) Assinale a alternava que completa a frase abaixo: “Do you have 10 dollars?” “No, I don’t, but Peter has _____ money with him”

a) much

b) many

5) : “He has _______ friends and ______money.

a) much / many

b) much/ much

c) many/ much

6) Complete assinalando a alternava correta que completa as frases abaixo:

“She drinks _______ coffee” “How ______ cups of coffee do you drink every day ?” “He says there was ______ milk in the pot. It was almost empty” “There are ________ bottles on that shelf” “How _______ money do you have?” .

a) much – many – much – many – much

b) much – much – much – much – many

7) We want ___________potatoes but we don´t need _______ salt.

a) any – some

b) some – some

c) some – any

8) They can take ______job they want.

a) any

b) some

9) Assinale a altertinava INCORRETA:

a) There are some eggs in the picture.

b) There aren´t some bread in the picture.

c) There isn’t any milk in the picture.

d) There are some forks and there isn´t any knife in this table.​

Espero ter ajudado!!!

Perguntar3Responder2: Ajudou muito sim obrigada!!!❤️
postallaura20: Magina!! Que bom que fui útil de alguma forma!
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