Inglês, perguntado por leondrafarias73, 3 meses atrás

1.circule o pronome sujeito ou o pronome objeto de acordo com cada oração:

(a) I /me like london.

(b)the childrean are as hungry as we/us.

(c)all the student passed except I /me.

(d) a: who's there ? b:I /me !.

(e)they /them love vegan food.

(f) a :Is that man you told me about?b:yes,
that's he /him.

(g) we all like cake except she /her.

(h) he /him will get a new phone soon.

(i) his sister isn't as all as he /him.

(j) Is that chocolate for I /me.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por wholesomecorgi

a) I

b) we

c) me

d) me

e) they

f) him

g) her

h) he

i) him(??)

j) me (??)

Respondido por euhenrique90


I like london;

The children are so hungry as us;

All the students passed, except me;

A: Who's there? - B: Me!;

They love vegan food;

A: Is that the man you told me about? - B: Yes, that's him;

We all like cake, except her;

He will get a new phone soon;

His sister is not as all as him;

Is that chocolate for me.

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