Inglês, perguntado por anavitoriadasilvasap, 11 meses atrás

1 - Circule no dialogo abaixo, as sentenças que possuem o comparativo em inglês:
Girl : Hello dear
Boy: hi , how are you?
Girl : pretty good and you?
boy: Bad
Girl : Why are you bad ? Can I help you?
Boy: I need to buy a cell phone , because my cell phone just crashed !
My old cell phone was better than this!
Girl : Ok, I agree. Because my old cell phone was also good than this
boy: So , Do you know what I'm speaking about ?
Girl : sure, I know by heart!
Girl : I hope that you get resolve your situation !
Boy : Yeah , me too!
Girl : Well, it was nice talking to you !
Boy: yeah, great!
Girl : See you soon ! Bye
Boy : Bye

pf me ajuda ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sakiLynx

circule better than

creio que tenha algo errado na frase "Because my old cell phone was also good than this" que traduzido fica "Porque meu celular antigo também era bom do que este"

não fez muito sentido...

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