Inglês, perguntado por assisedinaldo98, 8 meses atrás

1) CIRCULE A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA E TRADUZA AS FRASES. -(Were - Was) Kitty and Kelly cleaning the house yesterday? f-No, they (weren't fwasn't They (was were) surfing in the internet. g- (Was - Were) Carol watching TV at 8:00 o'clock last night? h- No, she was wasn't)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Kikiixt


WAS Kitty and Kelly cleaning the house yesterday?

No, they WEREN'T, they WERE surfing in the internet.

WERE Carol watching TV at 8:00 o'clock last night?

No, she WASN'T


Kitty e Kelly limparam a casa ontem?

Não, elas não limparam, elas estavam navegando na internet.

A Carol estava vendo TV 8horas ontem a noite?

Não, ela não estava


Was {I, he, she, it}

Were {you, they, we}

Was + not = Wasn't

Were + not = Weren't

( Eu não sou muito confiante para responde perguntas no Brainly, mas acho q está correto )

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