Inglês, perguntado por allanykoziel59, 2 meses atrás

1. Circle the correct word:

a. Carla saved/saves a lot of money to travel overseas last year

b. What time did you finish/finished your test?

c. My mom didn't send/sent me flowers for my birthday.

d. They study/studied English when they travel/traveled to Australia.

e. Jack didn't called/call his friend; he uses/used the computer to chat online last night.

f. Our trip overseas was/were amazing! We learn/learned so many things!

g. My host mother cooked/cooks a big turkey for Thanksgiving. It was delicious!

h. The naughty kids didn't answered/answer the door.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple past

1. Circle the correct word:

a. Carla saved a lot of money to travel overseas last year.

b. What time did you finish  your test?

c. My mom didn't send me flowers for my birthday.

d. They  studied English when they  traveled to Australia.

e. Jack didn't  call  his friend; he  used  the computer to chat online last night.

f. Our trip overseas  was  amazing! We  learned so many things!

g. My host mother cooked a big turkey for Thanksgiving. It was delicious!

h. The naughty kids didn't  answer the door.​


➡️   Simple past >> tempo verbal usado para falar sobre ações que aconteceram no passado e não estão mais acontecendo no presente.

Em inglês há dois tipos de verbos: regulares e irregulares

Os verbos regulares sempre terminam em ''ed'' quando estão no passado

watch   >>   watched

work     >>   worked

Os verbos irregulares não seguem nenhuma regra e, por isso, é preciso decorá-los.

buy     >>   bought

do       >>   did

➡️  Simple Past - Negative  >>>   Para fazer a negativa precisamos do auxiliar DID + NOT antes do verbo principal. Na presença do ''did not'' o verbo volta para a forma básica.  

Estrutura  (did not = didn't)

Sujeito + did + not + verbo + complemento  

John didn't watch TV yesterday.  

David didn't wash his car.  

➡️  Simple Past - Interrogative >>> necessário usar o auxiliar DID no início da frase.  Na presença do auxiliar DID o verbo volta para a forma básica.  


DID + sujeito + verbo + complemento  

Did John wash his car yesterday?  

Did Helen study for the tests?

Learn more



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