Inglês, perguntado por hevillynalves02, 8 meses atrás

1. Circle the correct option.
a) We should visit Europe, I / me like London.
b) The children are as hungry as we / us, let’s prepare dinner.
c) All the students passed excluding Peter. He / him didn’t study enough.
d) They / them love vegan food.
e) A: Is that the man you told me about? B: Yes, that’s he / him.
f) You should talk to she / her about your problem.
g) Pay attention to what we / us are saying, it’s important.
h) All of they / them arrived on time.
i) Talk to your sister, she / her wants to go home early.
j) A: Who’s there? B: I / Me!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Keitybraule


a) I

b) us

c) he

d) they

e) him

f) her

g) we

h) them

i) she


Normalmente após os Personal Pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) você usa um verbo. Os object pronouns (me, you, his, her, it, us, them) são usados para substituir o sujeito da frase, quem recebe ou é afetado com alguma ação.


James wanted to talk to me. (James falou comigo, que recebi a ação.)

hevillynalves02: Muito obrigada,ótima explicação!!
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