Inglês, perguntado por vidalmatheus4091, 3 meses atrás

Choose the right alternative to complete the space: They live in a house __ roof is full of holes.

(10 Points)
(A) which
(B) whose
(C) where
(D) who
Qual das alternativas completa corretamente a frase abaixo?
- Lisa wore the shoes __ she bought in Italy.
(10 Points)
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) whom
(D) which
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase apresentada: The cyclist __ won the race trained hard.
(10 Points)
(A) where
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) who
Assinale a(s) alternativa(s) na(s) qual(is) os pronomes relativos estão utilizados corretamente:
( ) I don't like people who get angry easily.
( ) The machine, whose had been running non-stop for 3 days, just stopped.
(10 Points)
(A) V F
(B) F F
(C) V V
(D) F V
Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence: This is the town __ I spent my childhood.
(10 Points)
(A) who
(B) which
(C) where
(D) whose
“The dog that stole the pie is back.”. Nesta frase, o pronome __ pode substituir “that”.
(10 Points)
(A) whose
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) who
- Supply the sentences with the correct alternative:
I. Let's go to a country ___ the sun always shines.
II. Where did you buy the dress __ you wore last week?
III. the people who live next door are not very friendly.
(10 Points)
(A) where – that – who
(B) which – whose – that
(C) that – whose – which
(D) where – who – whose
Elections in the USA There are two major parties in the USA – Republican and Democrat. There are also smallest parties, but down through the years the President has always represented one or the other of the two major parties.
Every four year there is a national election for President. First the person has to become the candidate of his own party. Then each major party holds a convention to choose its candidate. It is a large and noisy party televised to all the country. Everybody can hear the speeches and share the excitement. Delegates to the conventions are chosen in a variety of ways – by the state committes or primary elections. They are usually people with some political experience. The delegates vote for their districts and states. After a number of rounds of voting, a candidate is nominated.

- O que os delegados fazem nas eleições?
(10 Points)
(A) Votam nulo.
(B) Votam neles mesmos para presidente.
(C) Votam por seus distritos e estados.
(D) Votam para presidente.
Elections in the USA There are two major parties in the USA – Republican and Democrat. There are also smallest parties, but down through the years the President has always represented one or the other of the two major parties.
Every four year there is a national election for President. First the person has to become the candidate of his own party. Then each major party holds a convention to choose its candidate. It is a large and noisy party televised to all the country. Everybody can hear the speeches and share the excitement. Delegates to the conventions are chosen in a variety of ways – by the state committes or primary elections. They are usually people with some political experience. The delegates vote for their districts and states. After a number of rounds of voting, a candidate is nominated.

- Com que frequência ocorrem as eleições nos EUA?
(10 Points)
(A) de 2 em 2 anos.
(B) de 3 em 3 anos.
(C) de 4 em 4 anos.
(D) de 5 em 5 anos.
Elections in the USA There are two major parties in the USA – Republican and Democrat. There are also smallest parties, but down through the years the President has always represented one or the other of the two major parties.
Every four year there is a national election for President. First the person has to become the candidate of his own party. Then each major party holds a convention to choose its candidate. It is a large and noisy party televised to all the country. Everybody can hear the speeches and share the excitement. Delegates to the conventions are chosen in a variety of ways – by the state committes or primary elections. They are usually people with some political experience. The delegates vote for their districts and states. After a number of rounds of voting, a candidate is nominated.

- Quantos principais partidos existem nos EUA?
(10 Points)
(A) two.
(B) three.
(C) four.
(D) five.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por JoaoCardoso67


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Agora só focar na prova que você consegue fazer sozinho! :)

Assim a pessoa não aprenderá nada da lingua inglesa e gastará mais ainda o dinheiro dos pais... Se dedique, você consegue fazer estas questões sozinho

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