Inglês, perguntado por romariomjr, 8 meses atrás

1- Choose the correct form of the verb in the simple present tense.
Example: I / You / We / They (wash) wash the car on Monday.
Example: He / She / It (wash) washes the car on Tuesday.

a) I (wash / washes) the car on Monday.
b) You (wash / washes) the car on Tuesday.
c) We (wash / washes) the car on Wednesday.
d) They (wash / washes) the car on Thursday.
e) He (wash / washes) the car on Friday.
f) She (wash / washes) the car on Saturday.
g) It (wash / washes) the car on Saturday.
h) Tom and Amy (cook / cooks) on Wednesday.
i) Daniel and I (cook / cooks) on Tuesday.
j) Herbert (cook / cooks) on Sunday.

2- Choose the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

a) Dennis (cook)________________on Wednesday.
b) Mariel ans I (cook)________________on Tuesday.
c) Spencer (wash)________________his car on Sunday.
d) Tammy and I (wash)________________our car on Monday.
e) You (study)________________Science on Thursday.
f) Thomas (study)________________Math on Friday.
g) Rickie (play)________________golf and tennis.
h) Justin and I (play)________________basketball and soccer.
i) Kim (read)________________fiction novels.
j) Richard and David (read)________________the newspaper.

3- Circule todos os verbos que estão no Simple Present Tense nas orações abaixo.

a) Kelly gets up at seven o'clock.
b)She has breakfast at seven twenty.
c) She goes to school every day by bus.
d) She starts school at 8 o'clock.
e) She has a break at ten o'clock.
f) She comes back home at 12 o'clock.
g) She has luch at one o'clock.
h) In the afternoon, she does her homework.
i) She has dinner with her family at 8 o'clock.
j) After dinner, she watches TV programs.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rcezare


a) I wash the car on Monday.

b) You wash the car on Tuesday.

c) We wash the car on Wednesday.

d) They wash the car on Thursday.

e) He  washesthe car on Friday.

f) She  washes the car on Saturday.

g) It  washes the car on Saturday.

h) Tom and Amy cook on Wednesday.

i) Daniel and I cook on Tuesday.

j) Herbert  cooks on Sunday.

2- Choose the correct form of the verb in simple present tense.

a) Dennis cooks on Wednesday.

b) Mariel ans I cook on Tuesday.

c) Spencer washes his car on Sunday.

d) Tammy and I wash our car on Monday.

e) You study Science on Thursday.

f) Thomas studies Math on Friday.

g) Rickie plays golf and tennis.

h) Justin and I play basketball and soccer.

i) Kim reads fiction novels.

j) Richard and David read the newspaper.

3- Circule todos os verbos que estão no Simple Present Tense nas orações abaixo.

a) Kelly gets up at seven o'clock.

b)She has breakfast at seven twenty.

c) She goes to school every day by bus.

d) She starts school at 8 o'clock.

e) She has a break at ten o'clock.

f) She comes back home at 12 o'clock.

g) She has luch at one o'clock.

h) In the afternoon, she does her homework.

i) She has dinner with her family at 8 o'clock.

j) After dinner, she watches TV programs.

Respondido por biapc25


a) wash

b) wash

c) wash

d) wash

e) washes

f) washes

g) washes

h) cook

i) cook

j) cooks


a) cooks

b) cook

c) washes

d) wash

e) study

f) studies

g) plays

h) play

i) reads

j) read


a) gets

b) has

c) goes

d) starts

e) has

f) comes


h) does

i) has

j) watches


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