1. Choose the correct answer using Past Perfect.
a. I dressed after I _____.
had washed
b. They _____ nothing before they met me.
had done
c. She posted the letter after she _____ it.
had write
had written
d. They _____ the room before I called them.
had cleaned
have cleaned
e. He _____ us the story of his life before he died.
had told
2) What’s the best answer for each sentence?
a. He _____ rice, but the waiter served him soup.
had ordered
had order
b. I got lost because I _____ to bring a map.
had forget
had forgotten
had forgot
c. I didn’t notice that the traffic light_______ red.
had turned
has turned
d. He _____ for a year before he sold it.
have owned
had own
had owned
e. They _____ English before last year.
hadn’t studied
didn’t studied
had study
Soluções para a tarefa
a. had washed
b. had done
c. had written
d. had cleaned
e. had told
2. -a.had ordered
b. had forgotten
c. had turned
d. had owned
e. hadn’t studied
1. Choose the correct answer using Past Perfect.
a. I dressed after I _____.
had washed
b. They _____ nothing before they met me.
had done
c. She posted the letter after she _____ it.
had written
d. They _____ the room before I called them.
had cleaned
e. He _____ us the story of his life before he died.
had told
2) What’s the best answer for each sentence?
a. He _____ rice, but the waiter served him soup.
had ordered
b. I got lost because I _____ to bring a map.
had forgotten
c. I didn’t notice that the traffic light_______ red.
had turned
d. He _____ for a year before he sold it.
had owned
e. They _____ English before last year.
hadn’t studied
- Past Perfect
O Past Perfect é um tempo verbal que fala em relação ao passado, ou seja, ele é utilizado para falar de uma ação que ocorreu antes de outra ação, este tempo verbal é equivalente ao pretérito mais-que-perfeito.
- Formas do Past Perfect:
Forma afirmativa: SUJEITO + HAD (to have no passado) + PAST PARTICIPLE
Exemplo: By the time the dinner began, everybody had arrived (Quando o jantar começou, todos haviam chegado).
Nesse caso, todos já estavam em casa antes de iniciarem o jantar, uma ação no passado antes de outra, que também ocorreu no passado.
Exemplo: She had not finished the test, when the teacher arrived. (Ela não tinha terminado o teste, quando o professor chegou)
Nesse exemplo, a menina ainda não havia terminado o teste que ela já havia iniciado e o professor já tinha chegado
Forma Interrogativa: HAD + SUJEITO + PAST PARTICIPLE
Exemplo: Had you studied English before you moved to Canada? (Você tinha estudado inglês ante de se mudar para o Canadá?)
Nesse exemplo estão questionando se antes da pessoa ir ao Canadá, ela já tiinha estudado inglês. Uma ação (estudar) antes de outra ação (mudar-se).
Leia mais sobre esse tempo verbal em: