Matemática, perguntado por vitin2115, 3 meses atrás

1- Choose a time expression from the box to fill in each space.

( At, next, in, last, during, when, every, ago ,on).

a) _________ my summer vacation, the weather was wonderful and I returned with a suntan.

b) Six years _________, Mike and I got married in Hawaii.

c) This area of New England is beautiful _________the winter.

d) I didn't see Rob yesterday because he was busy, but I saw him ___________ Wednesday.

e) ____________ we arrived at the Majesty Hotel, the tour guide was waiting for us.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Otakinha1030102


i Am brazilian

Explicação passo-a-passo:

i dont speak Inglish

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