Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 10 meses atrás


A ) To Go To School.
B ) To Finish The Exercises
C ) To Pay Attention
D ) To Close The Doors
E ) To Turn Off The Lights
F ) To Turn On The Ligats
G ) To Wait Me
H ) To Study More
I ) To Drive Slowly
J ) To Write Your Name
K ) To Read This Book
L ) To Prepare The Lunch
M ) To Obey The Rulles
N ) To Arrive Early
O ) To Talk To Me
P ) To Eat Vegetables
Q ) To Do The Exercises
R ) To Walk Fast
S ) To Gome In
T ) To Get Out


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pulsar
 Basicamente é só tirar o verbo do infinitivo -- ou seja, tirar o "to" da frente do resto da frase.

a. Go to school
b. Finish the exercises
c. Pay attention
d. Close the doors
e. Turn off the lights
f. Turn on the ligats
g. Wait me
h. Study more
i. Drive slowly
j. Write your name
k. Read this book
l. Prepare the lunch
m. Obey the rules
n. Arrive early
o. Talk to me
p. Eat vegetables
q. Do the exercises
r. Walk fast
s. Gome in
t. Get out

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