1. Change the sentences according to the model.
-The teachers motivate and inspire the students.
-The students are motivated and inspired by the teachers.
a. My father wrote this brilliant novel.
b. The students will paint the school walls.
c. This song inspired lots of people.
d. The community will help this NGO.
e. My classmates use this book as guidance and inspiration.
f. My teacher regularly answers my questions by e-mail.
Soluções para a tarefa
a. My father wrote this brilliant novel.
This brilliant novel was written by my father.
b. The students will paint the school walls.
The school walls will be painted by the students.
c. This song inspired lots of people.
Lots of people were inspired by this song.
d. The community will help this NGO.
This NGO will be helped by the community.
e. My classmates use this book as guidance and inspiration.
This book is used as guidance and inspiration by my classmates .
f. My teacher regularly answers my questions by e-mail.
My questions are regularly answered by e-mail by my teacher.
Voz ativa - sujeito pratica a ação do verbo.
Eu pinto a parede.
I paint the wall.
Voz passiva - sujeito sofre a ação
A parede é pintada.
The wall is painted.