Inglês, perguntado por na0879092, 10 meses atrás

1-)Change the following sentences to negative and interrogative:

a-) They Live in Brooklyn.

b-) There are twelve months in a year.

c-) The plane arrived at ten o´clock.

d-)It is six o´clock now.

e-) He went to Chicago by plane.

2-) Complete the following sentences with the past tense form of the verbs in parentheses.

a-) Charles ________(fall) from his bicycle yesterday and ____________(hurt) his arm badly.

b-) I________(pay) two dollars for this book.

c-) We ________ (shake) hands and then ___________(say) good-night.

d-) The force of the wind was so great that it _______(blow) down several trees in our yard.

e-) The pitcher________(throw) a slow ball and the batter ________(hit) it for home run.


"We who are about to die salute you". This was the gladiators way of saluting the Emperor

before fighting against one another or a wild beast for entertainment of the people. The gladiators were mostly prisoners of war, slaves or criminals. When one of the the gladiators was unable to continue the fight the people turned up or down their thumbs to decide

between life or death for the losing gladiator. A palm branch, valuable presents and money were the prizes for the winner.

a-) Traduza do texto a passagem que está grifada.

4-) Put the sentences into the negative form.

a-) She was walking to school.

b-) They were playing chess.

c-) I was helping mother.

d-) Ted was reading a comic book.

e-) The dog was sleeping under the bed.

5-) Put the sentence from exercise 4 into the interrogative form. Supply the Past Continuours Tense of the verbs in parentheses.

a-) The children______________(cry) 5 minutes ago.
b-) The boys________________(do) their japanese lesson.

c-) Roy ______________(wear) his brown shirt.

d-) We ______________(read) the newspaper one hour ago.

e-) Jane _______________________(prepare) dinner.

7-) Supply the correct possessives.

a-) John writes______________________composition and we don´t write_____________.

b-) The boys are waiting for_______________girlfriends.

c-) Ted, are those some of ________________fiends?

d-) That girl is asking about________________ pen.

e-) He knows ________________lesson well and I also know_________________.

8-) Text


Kennedy was inaugurated as president on January 20, 1961. He devoted his entire inaugural

address to international affairs, calling on his fellow citizens to fight against the common

enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself. His address, widely acclaimed as a

classic political expression, included these words. In the long history of the world only a few

generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour maximum danger.


Kennedy no seu discurso de posse:

a-) Dedicou-o quase todo a assuntos internacionais.

b-) Disse que todos os cidadãos do mundo devem lutar contra a tirania, a pobreza, a doença e

a guerra.

c-) Salientou que a todas as gerações tem sido concedido o papel de defender a liberdade;

d-) Aceitou defender a liberdade.

9-) Complete with SINCE or FOR:

a-) I have been a nurse ______________April.

b-) Jason has studied Spanish_________________six months.

c-) Tom has been living there__________________we were kids.

d-) We had lived here only _____________one year.

e-) They haven´t gone to a show_____________last summer.

10-) Complete with USED TO or WOULD:

a-) This house ______________be white some years ago.

b-) If I had time, I____________________ travel to Hawai.

c-) He ________________ like to play videogame when he was a child.

d-) Sheyla_________________ like to travel with us.

e-) Josh __________be a basketball player and I _________ love to watch him playing again.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laurainsabraldmafra

1) a. neg.: they don't live in Brooklyn

int.: do they live in Brooklyn?

b. neg.: there aren't twelve months in a year

int.: are there twelve months in a year?

c. neg.: the plane didn't arrive at ten o'clock

int.: did the plane arrive at ten o'clock?

d. neg.: it isn't six o'clock now

int.: is it six o'clock now?

e. neg.: he didn't go to Chicago by plane

int.: did he go to Chicago by plane?

2) a. fell/hurt

b. paid

c. shook/said

d. blew

e. threw/hit

3) a. ''Nós, que estamos prestes a morrer, saudamos-te". Esta era a forma que os gladiadores saudavam o Imperador  antes de lutarem uns contra os outros ou contra uma fera selvagem para entretenimento do povo. Os gladiadores eram na sua maioria prisioneiros de guerra, escravos ou criminosos. Quando um dos gladiadores foi incapaz de continuar a luta o povo votou para decidir  entre vida ou morte para o gladiador perdedor. Um ramo de palma, presentes valiosos e dinheiro foram os prêmios para o vencedor.

4) a. she wasn't walking to school

b. they weren't playing chess

c. I wasn't helping mother

d. Ted wasn't reading a comic book

e. the dog wasn't sleeping under the bed

5) a. was she walking to school?

b. were they playing chess?

c. was I helping mother?

d. was ted reading a comic book?

e. was the dog sleeping under the bed?

6) a. were crying

b. were doing

c. was wearing

d. were reading

e. was preparing

7) a. his/ours

b. their

c. your

d. her

e. his/mine

8) a. Dedicou-o quase todo a assuntos internacionais.

9) a. since

b. for

c. since

d. for

e. since

10) used to

b. would

c. used to

d. would ou used to

e. used to/would

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