Inglês, perguntado por 342ag, 2 meses atrás

1- "___________ car is this?"
"it belongs to Evans."
a) who
b) which
b) what
c) whose
e) whom

2- _____________ of them gave up studying?
a) Who
b) Whom
c) Which
d) Whose
e) What

3- "_____________ is your brother like?"
"He is tall and slim."
a) How
b) Who
c) Whom
d) What
e) Why

4- I just want to know this: how __________ do you go to the bank?
a) much
b) many
c) long
d) far
e) often

5- "____________ such a silly remark?" - " I did."
a) Who did you make
b) Who makes
c) Who did
d) Who made
e) Who did made

6- Someone knocks at the door. On the inside you say:
a) Who us it?
b) Who is the?
c) Who is?
d) Who is she?
e) Who are?

7- _____________ did you cry?
_____________ told you l was crying?
It doesn't matter. Let's have some juice. __________ fruit do you like best?
a) Why/ Who/ Which
b) Who/ What/ Why
c) When/ Which/ What
d) Where/ When/ Who
e) What/ Whom/ When

8- _________ is Mr. Brown? Is he a teacher?
a) What
b) Whom
c) Which
d) Whose
e) Where

9- (FATEC) _________ do you treat your younger brother like that?
a) Why
b) Whom
c) Whom
d) What
e) Whose

10- (UNIP) __________ pencil is this, Mario's or Pedro's?
a) Who
b) When
c) Whose
d) How
e) Where

Me ajuda!


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Marivalcci

Ajudo!! Bora lá!

1. (c) whose

2. (c) which

3. (d) what

4. (e) often

5. (d) made

6. (a) who is it?

[acredito que a alternativa "a" esteja escrita errada mas que seja ela, pois se diz "who is it?"]

7. (a) why/who/which

8. (b) whom

9. (a) why

10. (c) whose

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