Inglês, perguntado por tryz19sant, 5 meses atrás

Atividade avaliativa de Inglês do Ano Continuum
1. Enumere a 2a coluna pela 1a:
a) (1) Do
you work in the school?
b) (2) Does
she buy a dog?
he dance well?
I study Portuguese?
they sing well?
) lying
) lyieing
) swimming
) swiminng
2. Marque (X) na forma correta do gerúndio:
a) Lie:
( ) lieing
b) Swim:
( ) swiming
c) Study
( ) studying
d) Eat:
( ) eatining
) studieing
) studyning
) eatting
) eating
( ) geting
) getieing
) getting
e) Get:
3. Observe as frases abaixo e marque (X) na resposta correta:
the chair.
> Vou alg​

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