Inglês, perguntado por euzinha4117, 3 meses atrás

1) Assinale a opção correta.
a) Did you the movie very much? ( ) enjoyed ( ) enjoy
( ) enjoied

b) to Paris last year. ( ) went ( ) go ( ) wented

c) Jane didn't her lunch three minutes ago. ( ) finish ( ) finished

d) Vivian arrive late last night? ( ) Do ( ) Did

e) Rachel her ring last week. ( ) sold ( ) selled ( ) sell

f) Nicholas watch TV last night. ( ) don't ( ) didn't

g) We _many presents at the Mall yesterday. ( ) bought ( ) buy
( )

h) The book didn't two dollars. ( ) costed ( )

i) Did Bill to Ellen last week? ( ) talked ( ) talk

i) _ English this morning. ( ) studyed ( ) studied ( ) study

k) It in New York yesterday. ( ) snowed ( ) snow

1) Did Jonathan about Jane last night? ( ) think ( ) thinked
( ) thought

m) David up two hours ago. ( ) get ( ) got

to Mexico last month. ( ) traveled ( ) travelled
( ) travel

o) They _ each other when they __ kids. ( ) knew/were
( ) knew/was

p) Did those dogs __ after you yesterday? ( ) run ( ) ran

q) I didn't _ dinner last night. ( ) have ( ) haved ( ) had

r) Mom _ a delicious chocolate pie this morning. ( ) maked
( ) made

s) What did you –
last weekend? ( ) did ( ) do

t) The children many candies at the party. ( ) ate ( ) eat
( ) eated

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LELET2006

Oi! Bom dia!


Quando nós usamos o Simple Past para fazer perguntas, APENAS 1 verbo será no passado, no caso o auxiliar ("did' passado de "do").

Quando é na forma afirmativa, como só temos um verbo, ele SEMPRE será no passado, quando os verbos são REGULARES, nós adicionamos os sulfixos -d/-ed/-ied, em alguns deles pode mudar uma coisa ou outra, mas sempre adicionamos um desses sulfixos. Quando o verbo for IRREGULAR, ele NÃO segue nenhuma dessas regras, ele muda totalmente a sua forma, então nesse caso é mais fácil decorar.

Quando for negativo, nós temos apenas o verbo auxiliar no passado ("didn't" passado de "don't"), o verbo auxiliar será no passado e negativo, e o outro verbo será no infinitivo (na forma original).



a) Did you enjoyed the movie very much? (X) enjoyed

b) Went to Paris last year. (X) went  

c) Jane didn't finish her lunch three minutes ago. (X) finished

d) Did Vivian arrive late last night? (X) Did

e) Rachel sold her ring last week. (X) sold  

f) Nicholas didn't watch TV last night. (X) didn't

g) We bought many presents at the Mall yesterday. (X) bought  

h) The book didn't cost two dollars. (X) cost  

i) Did Bill talk to Ellen last week? (X) talk

i) Studied English this morning. (X) studied

k) It snowed in New York yesterday. (X) snowed

l) Did Jonathan think about Jane last night? (X) think

m) David got up two hours ago. (X) got

n) Travelled to Mexico last month. (X) travelled

o) They knew each other when they were kids. (X) knew/were

p) Did those dogs run after you yesterday? (X) run

q) I didn't have dinner last night. (X) have  

r) Mom made a delicious chocolate pie this morning.

(X) made

s) What did you do

last weekend? (X) do

t) The children ate many candies at the party. (X) ate

Espero ter ajudado <3

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