1- Assinale a forma correta da seguinte sentença na forma negativa e na forma interrogativa no Passado Simples: " She brought many friends to our party". *
10 pontos
She don’t brought many friends to our party. / Did she bring many friends to our party?
She didn’t bring many friends to our party. / Did she bring many friends to our party?
She doesn’t bring many friends to our party. / Does she brings many friends to our party?
2- Assinale a forma correta do VERBO ENTRE PARÊNTESES no passado simples para as seguintes sentenças: A) I (travel) __________ around by car with two friends. B) We (visit) ______________ lots of interesting places. C) In the evenings we usually (go) _________________ to a pub. ATENÇÃO: lembre-se de consultar a tabela de verbos irregulares. *
10 pontos
traveled / visited / went
traveld / visited / goed
traveled / visited / wented
10 pontos
Malala died with a gunshot in the head.
Malala didn`t receive any prize.
Malala didn`t fight for her education.
Malala demanded all the girls had the right to study but she was gun shot in the head and survived.
Malala received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.
Malala died with a gunshot in the head.
Malala didn`t receive any prize.
Malala didn`t fight for her education.
Malala demanded all the girls had the right to study but she was gun shot in the head and survived.
Malala received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.
Em algumas aulas, vocês falaram de invenções, descobertas da modernidade e descobertas por acidente. Releia o texto de uma aula sobre a invenção da SUPER GLUE acidentalmente.
4- What was Harry Coover trying to do when he created the super glue? (O que Harry Coover estava fazer quando ele criou a Super Cola?) *
10 pontos
Coover was attempting to make clear plastic gun sights to be put on guns.
Coover was attempting to create a new atomic bomb.
Coover was attempting to a plastic ball.
5- Assinale a alternativa que completa os verbos no passado de acordo com o texto acima. A) Madonna had __________________ 21 top 10 hits in USA. B) She ________________ more than 70.000.000 international albums. C) She _________________ named the world’s wealthiest woman singer. *
10 pontos
achieved / sold / was
achieve / sell / is
achieved / buy / was
Me ajudem, por favor!
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Simple past - negative and interrogative form
1- Assinale a forma correta da seguinte sentença na forma negativa e na forma interrogativa no Passado Simples:
" She brought many friends to our party".
a. She don’t brought many friends to our party. / Did she bring many friends to our party?
b. She didn’t bring many friends to our party. / Did she bring many friends to our party? √
c. She doesn’t bring many friends to our party. / Does she brings many friends to our party?
2- Assinale a forma correta do VERBO ENTRE PARÊNTESES no passado simples para as seguintes sentenças:
A) I (travel) traveled around by car with two friends.
B) We (visit) visited lots of interesting places.
C) In the evenings we usually (go) went to a pub.
a. traveled / visited / went √
b. traveld / visited / goed
c. traveled / visited / wented
a. Malala died with a gunshot in the head. (F)
b. Malala didn`t receive any prize. (F)
c. Malala didn`t fight for her education. (F)
d. Malala demanded all the girls had the right to study but she was gun shot in the head and survived. (T)
e. Malala received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. (T)
(faltou você postar o texto sobre Harry Coover)
4- What was Harry Coover trying to do when he created the super glue? (O que Harry Coover estava fazer quando ele criou a Super Cola?)
Coover was attempting to make clear plastic gun sights to be put on guns.
Coover was attempting to create a new atomic bomb.
Coover was attempting to a plastic ball.
5- Assinale a alternativa que completa os verbos no passado de acordo com o texto acima.
A) Madonna had achieved 21 top 10 hits in USA.
B) She sold more than 70.000.000 international albums.
C) She was named the world’s wealthiest woman singer.
a. achieved / sold / was √
b. achieve / sell / is
c. achieved / buy / was
→→ Simple past - negative (verbo volta para a forma original)
did + not = didn't
Susan didn't live in London. >>> Susan não morou em Londres.
Annie didn't buy a new ring. >>> Annie não comprou um anel novo.
→→ Simple past - interrogative (verbo volta para a forma original)
Did he have time to finish the job? >>Ele teve tempo de terminar o serviço? Did my parents stay at home? >> Meus pais ficaram em casa?