Inglês, perguntado por silvaewerton50, 6 meses atrás

1- Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com o quantificador “much”: *
1 ponto
Do you get many rain in England?
There isn´t much food on the table.
Talk to Laura who has too much ideas.
I don´t have many work to do.
2- Assinale a alternativa incorreta de acordo com o uso dos quantificadores “many” e “much”: *
1 ponto
Try to make not much noise.
It costs not much money.
There are not much places to visit.
There are not many people in this store.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por camilyvitoriamachado


1) there isn't much food on the table B

2) there are not much places to visit C

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