1. Answer correctly with the PERSONAL PRONOUNS and the verb TO BE in the past:
1. Responda com os PRONOMES PESSOAIS e o verbo TO BE no passado corretmente corretos:
a doctor. (Eu não sou médica.) SER
at home. (Eu não estou em casa.) ESTAR
a soccer player? (Ele é jogador de futebol?) SER
at school? (Ele está na escola?) ESTAR
my friend. (Ela não é minha amiga.) SER
tired. (Ela não está cansada.) ESTAR
g) What's that?
a turtle. (O que é aquilo? É uma tartaruga.) SER
h) Where's the book?
on the table. (Onde está o livro? O livro estástá em cima da mesa
Soluções para a tarefa
A) I'm not a doctor.
B) I'm not at home.
C) Is he a soccer player?
D) Is he at school?
E) She's not my friend.
F) She is not tired.
G) What's that? It's a turtle.
H) Where's the book? It's on the table.
a) I was a doctor.
b) I was not at home.
c) Was he a soccer player?
d) Was he at school?
e) She was not my friend.
f) She was not tired.
g) What was that?
- It was a turtle.
h) Where was the book?
- It was on the table.
»» O verbo to be {ser/estar} é um verbo irregular, ou seja, quando no passado ele não receberá o sufixo -ed, ele mudará sua forma em para was/were.
>> Conjugação verbo to be past <<
• I was
• You were
• He was
• She was
• It was
• we were
• They were
>> Para fazermos frases interrogativas usando was/were, colocamos eles antes dos sujeitos:
> I was, ficará: Was I ?
> We were, ficará: Were we ?
>> Para formamos frases negativas usando was/were, acrescentamos o not depois deles:
> I was, ficará: I was not
> We were, ficará: We were not
• Usa-se também a forma contraída com was/were + not:
> was not = wasn't
> Were not = weren't
°Espero ter ajudado;
°Bons estudos!
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