Inglês, perguntado por souzamanoel1834, 1 ano atrás

1- Alex helped Anita with her exercises. Negativa
2- The teacher corrected our tests last night. Interrogativa
3- Tom wanted to go to the movies alone. negativa
4- She didn't work yesterday. interrogativa
5- A tornado destroyed the village last week. interrogativa

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Júnior

No Simple Past, estamos nos referindo ao Passado Simples, ou seja, ações que já foram concluídas.

Quando estamos trabalhando com frases negativas, devemos usar o verbo na sua base form, e adicionar did not (ou didn't) antes do verbo.

Em frases interrogativas, também devemos utilizar o verbo na base form e iniciar a frase com Did (ou Didn't), além de acrescentar o ponto de interrogação.

  • Alex helped Anita with her exercises. Negativa

Alex did not help Anita with her exercises.

  • The teacher corrected our tests last night. Interrogativa

Did the teacher correct our tests last night?

  • Tom wanted to go to the movies alone. negativa

Tom did not want to go to the movies alone.

  • She didn't work yesterday. interrogativa

Didn't she work yesterday?

  • A tornado destroyed the village last week. interrogativa

Did a tronado destroy the village last week?

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